
Developer Guide


  1. AB-3 Developer Guide
  2. PlantUML for sequence diagrams
  3. JSON-java

Setting Up and Getting Started

First, fork this repo, and clone the fork into your computer.

If you plan to use IntelliJ IDEA (highly recommended):

  1. Configure the JDK: Follow the guide se-edu/guides IDEA: Configuring the JDK to ensure IntelliJ is configured to use JDK 11.
  2. Import the project as a Gradle project: Follow the guide se-edu/guides IDEA: Importing a Gradle project to import the project into IDEA.

    Note: Importing a Gradle project is slightly different from importing a normal Java project.

  3. Verify the setup:
    • Run and try a few commands.
    • Run the tests using ./gradlew check and ensure they all pass.

Table of Contents


This section provides a high-level explanation of the design and implementation of ByteCeps, supported by UML diagrams and short code snippets to illustrate the flow of data and interactions between the components.


Given below is a quick overview of the main components of ByteCeps and how they interact with each other.


Main components of the architecture

ByteCeps is the entrypoint for the application to launch and shut down.

The bulk of ByteCep’s work is done by the following components:

Other notable components:

Classes: overview

Activity and child classes

The Activity class serves as a parent class to Exercise, ExerciseLog, Workout, WorkoutLog and Day classes for the ease of usage of ActivityManager classes (see below).

Note: The Day class acts as a container class for Workout, for use in WeeklyProgramManager ActivityClassDiagram

ActivityManager and child classes

The ActivityManager and inheritors are responsible for managing an ArrayList of activities. The basic functions of an ActivityManager include:

  1. add(): Adding an activity to the ArrayList
  2. delete(): Deleting an activity from the ArrayList
  3. retrieve(): Retrieving an activity from the ArrayList by name
  4. getListString(): Getting the string containing all the activities contained in the ActivityManager.
  5. execute(): Executing all commands related to the ActivityManager and returning the required user input.


The ExerciseManager class

ExerciseManager is responsible for tracking and manipulating all exercises added to ByteCeps by the user.

The WorkoutManager class

WorkoutManager is responsible for tracking and manipulating all workouts created by the user.

The WeeklyProgramManager class

WeeklyProgram is responsible for tracking and manipulating the weekly training program set by the user.


Exercise Management

[Implemented] Add, Edit, Delete, List, and Search Exercises

ByteCeps streamlines the management of exercise-related tasks by following a general multi-step pattern. Here’s how these operations are carried out:

Step 1 - Input Processing: The user’s input is received and processed by ByteCeps, which involves parsing the command through the Parser class. User input examples include:

Step 2 - Command Identification: The Parser class determines the type of exercise operation and extracts any necessary parameters. For instance, the exercise /add command will be recognized, and the exercise name Pushups will be parsed as the parameter.

Step 3 - Command Validation: The input is then validated using ExerciseValidator class to ensure that the command and parameters provided meet the expected format and criteria for processing.

Step 4 - Command Execution: The appropriate action is taken by the ExerciseManager class.

Step 5 - Result Display: After the command is executed, a message indicating the success or failure of the operation is generated and displayed to the user. This feedback is crucial for confirming the effect of the user’s command on the system.

Here is the sequence diagram for the exercise /add pushups command to illustrate the five-step process:


Workout Management

[Implemented] Add, Edit, Delete, List, and Search Workout plan.

ByteCeps streamlines the management of exercise-related tasks by following a general multi-step pattern. Here’s how these operations are carried out:

Step 1 - Input Processing: The user’s input is received and processed by ByteCeps, which involves parsing the command through the Parser class. User input examples include:

Step 2 - Command Identification: The Parser class determines the type of workout operation and extracts any necessary parameters. For instance, the workout /create command will be recognized, and the workout plan name LegDay will be parsed as the parameter.

Step 3 - Command Validation: The input is then validated using WorkoutValidator class to ensure that the command and parameters provided meet the expected format and criteria for processing.

Step 4 - Command Execution: The appropriate action is taken by the WorkoutManager class.

Step 5 - Result Display: After the command is executed, a message indicating the success or failure of the operation is generated and displayed to the user. This feedback is crucial for confirming the effect of the user’s command on the system.

Here is the sequence diagram for the workout /delete LegDay command to illustrate the five-step process:


[Implemented] Assign and Unassign Workout plan.

The ByteCeps application facilitates workout management, including the assignment and unassignment of exercises to workout plans. The process is outlined in the sequence diagram provided and follows a standard operational pattern as described below:

ByteCeps streamlines the management of exercise-related tasks by following a general multi-step pattern. Here’s how these operations are carried out:

Step 1 - Input Processing: The user’s input is received and processed by ByteCeps, which involves parsing the command through the Parser class. User input examples include:

Step 2 - Command Identification: The Parser class determines the type of workout operation and extracts any necessary parameters. For instance, the workout /assign command will be recognized, workout plan name LegDay and exercise name Pushups will be parsed as the parameter.

Step 3 - Command Validation: The input is then validated using WorkoutValidator class to ensure that the command and parameters provided meet the expected format and criteria for processing.

Step 4 - Command Execution: The appropriate action is taken by the WorkoutManager class.

Step 5 - Result Display: After the command is executed, a message indicating the success or failure of the operation is generated and displayed to the user. This feedback is crucial for confirming the effect of the user’s command on the system.

Here is the sequence diagram for the workout /assign Pushups /to LegDay command to illustrate the five-step process:


[Implemented] List all exercises in a workout plan.

The feature to list all exercises within a specific workout plan is crucial for users to review their workout regimen. This section outlines the sequence of operations triggered by the workout /info workoutplan command, culminating in the display of all associated exercises to the user.

Step 1 - Input Processing: The user’s input is received and processed by ByteCeps, which involves parsing the command through the Parser class. The user initiates the process by inputting the command workout /info workoutplan.

Step 2 - Command Identification: The Parser class determines the type of workout operation and extracts any necessary parameters. For instance, the workout /info command will be recognized, workout plan name workoutplan will be parsed as the parameter.

Step 3 - Command Validation: The input is then validated using WorkoutValidator class to ensure that the command and parameters provided meet the expected format and criteria for processing.

Step 4 - Command Execution: The appropriate action is taken by the WorkoutManager class.

Step 5 - Result Display: After the command is executed, a message indicating the success or failure of the operation is generated and displayed to the user. This feedback is crucial for confirming the effect of the user’s command on the system.

Here is the sequence diagram for the workout /info workoutplan command to illustrate the five-step process:


Program management

[Implemented] Assign, List, Log workouts in Weekly program, and view today’s workout plan.

ByteCeps streamlines the management of the user’s weekly program by following the same general multi-step pattern as above for workout and exercise management. Namely, the steps consist:

  1. Input processing
  2. Command identification
  3. Command validation
  4. Command execution
  5. Result display

The first 2 steps will be omitted in the sequence diagrams following this overview for brevity purposes, as they are similar to the explanations offered in workout and exercise management.

The following are the possible commands the WeeklyProgramManager object can run:

Logging an exercise

The sequence diagram below gives the high-level overview of the command program /log <EXERCISE_NAME> /weight <WEIGHT> /sets <NUMBER_OF_SETS> /reps <NUMBER_OF_REPS> /date <DATE> being run:

  1. After input validation, the execute() method of WeeklyProgramManager calls the executeLogAction() method
  2. This method then calls the addWorkoutLog() function of the WorkoutLogManager, of which is elaborated below.
  3. Finally, the messageToUser is returned to the UserInterface.

To dive deeper into how the WorkoutLogsManager works, we must first understand the several layers that are required to be implemented in order for this feature to work.

  1. Exercises need to be logged, including the weight(s) that the user has completed, as well as the number of sets and repetitions completed for the exercises.
  2. These exercises exist as a set (referred to as “exercise logs”), supposedly tied to a workout plan that the user has created in the application, and have a unique date that the user did their workout on.
  3. These workouts exist again as a set (referred to as “workout logs”), with their unique identifiers being the date that the user completed the workout.

The implementation thus is as follows:

Step 1 - Parsing & Validation

Step 2 - Adding a Workout Log

Step 3 - Adding an Exercise Log

Step 4 - Feedback to User

Below shows the sequence diagram of the process, focusing on the flow after the executeLogAction() method is called.

Assigning a workout to a program

Below is the sequence diagram of the command program /assign <workout> /to <day> being run:

  1. After input validation, the execute() method of WeeklyProgramManager calls the executeAssignAction() method.
  2. This method then retrieves the appropriate Workout object, and assigns it to be contained in the appropriate Day object.
  3. Finally, the messageToUser is returned to the UserInterface.

Viewing today’s workout program

Below is the sequence diagram of the command program /today being run. The validation of user input has been omitted for purposes of brevity.

  1. Today’s date is retrieved in the form of a Date object.
  2. This is used to retrieve the appropriate Day object.
  3. The Workout contained in the Day object is retrieved.
  4. The Workout , along with Date and Day is then converted to the messageToUser:String, which is returned to execute() and ByteCeps for printing.

Clearing a day in the program

This is the sequence diagram of the command program /clear <day [optional]> being run. The validation of user input has been omitted for purposes of brevity.

  1. If no day has been assigned to the user, the executeClearAction() method clears all workouts in the WeeklyProgramManager object.
  2. Otherwise, the specified Day object is removed from WeeklyProgramManager object, and a new Day object with no workout assigned is constructed in its place.

Help Menu

To implement a help menu for the user, where they can view the formatting of any command corresponding to any specific BYTE-CEPS functionality, 3 classes work together:

Viewing help command guidance message

If the user enters the command help alone, they will be shown the following guidance message for accessing help menus:

[BYTE-CEPS]> To access the help menu for command guidance, please type:
Available command types (type exactly as shown):
To view this message again, enter 'help' alone

How the command help is processed and executed will be described below. This is to demonstrate how the 3 aforementioned classes interact to show a user the guidance message for accessing help menus:

Step 1 - Input Processing: The user’s input is received and processed by ByteCeps, which involves parsing the command through the Parser class. The user initiates the process by inputting the command help.

Step 2 - Command Identification: The Parser class determines the type of help operation and extracts any necessary parameters. In this case, the help is recognised as the command.

Step 3 - Command Validation: The input is then validated using HelpValidator class to ensure that the parameters provided meet the expected format and criteria for processing. Here, validation will fail as help is not accompanied by any parameters. An exception, with an error message specifying this, is thrown.

Step 4 - Command Execution: The appropriate action is taken by the HelpMenuManager class.

Step 5 - Result Display

This is a sequence diagram of the command help provided to visually illustrate the described example above.

Viewing a flag’s help menu

If the user enters the command help /COMMAND_TYPE where COMMAND_TYPE is one of the 3 possible flags:

  1. exercise
  2. workout
  3. program

They will be shown a numbered list of functionalities associated with the specific flag.

How the command help /program is processed and executed will be described below. This is to demonstrate how the 3 aforementioned classes interact to show a user a help menu which details the associated functionalities of a flag (for which they can see command formats).

Step 1 - Input Processing: The user’s input is received and processed by ByteCeps, which involves parsing the command through the Parser class. The user initiates the process by inputting the command help /program.

Step 2 - Command Identification: The Parser class determines the type of help operation and extracts any necessary parameters. In this case, the help /program is recognised as the command.

Step 3 - Command Validation: The input is then validated using HelpValidator class to ensure that the parameters provided meet the expected format and criteria for processing. If validation fails, an exception is thrown with an accompanying error message. If validation succeeds, command execution proceeds.

Step 4 - Command Execution: The appropriate action is taken by the HelpMenuManager class.

Step 5 - Result Display

This is a sequence diagram of the command help /program provided to visually illustrate the described example above.

Viewing a specific command format

How the command help /exercise 1 is processed and executed will be described below to demonstrate how the 3 aforementioned classes interact to show a user command formats.

Step 1 - Input Processing: The user’s input is received and processed by ByteCeps, which involves parsing the command through the Parser class. The user initiates the process by inputting the command help /exercise 1.

Step 2 - Command Identification: The Parser class determines the type of help operation and extracts any necessary arguments. In this case, the help /exercise is recognised as the command, and 1 is recognised as the parameter.

Step 3 - Command Validation: The input is then validated using HelpValidator class to ensure that the parameters provided meet the expected format and criteria for processing. If validation fails, an exception is thrown with an accompanying error message. If validation succeeds, command execution proceeds.

Step 4 - Command Execution: The appropriate action is taken by the HelpMenuManager class.

Step 5 - Result Display

This is a sequence diagram of the command help /exercise 1 provided to visually illustrate the described example above.

The Storage class

A Storage object is responsible for reading from and writing to .json files, so that user data is saved in between sessions.

Overview: Saving data to data.json

The method is called with the ExerciseManager, WorkoutManager, WeeklyProgramManager and WorkoutLogsManager objects being passed in as input. NOTE: plantUML does not allow for termination of lifelines after destroying an object (:FileWriter), but note that the lifeline should end after the red cross.

  1. An empty JSONObject, jsonArchive, is created.
  2. ExerciseManager and WorkoutManager objects have their list of multiple Activity classes converted into an Array, which is then .put() into jsonArchive.
  3. WeeklyProgramManager and WorkoutLogsManager objects have their own exportToJSON method which is called. The results are again .put() into jsonArchive.
  4. A FileWriter object is created, which writes jsonArchive converted to a String to the appropriate filePath.
  5. The Storage object calls the UserInterface directly to print the success message.

Overview: Loading data from data.json

The storage.load() method is called with the empty ExerciseManager, WorkoutManager, WeeklyProgramManager and WorkoutLogsManager objects being passed in as input. These objects are to be updated in the method.

  1. If there has been no data.json file detected, a new File is created and the empty ExerciseManager, WorkoutManager, WeeklyProgramManager and WorkoutLogsManager is returned without modification.
  2. Else, a new JSONObject called jsonArchive, loaded from data.json is created.
  3. Each ActivityManager object is then loaded sequentially using jsonArchive as input.

Example: Loading data for a specific ActivityManager class

From the last sequence diagram, we see that each ActivityManager class is loaded from jsonArchive via its own method. For example, the WorkoutManager object is loaded from the loadWorkouts() method. The below sequence diagram shows how loadWorkouts() is run. The loading of other ActivityManager objects is similar in nature.

  1. The jsonWorkoutArray is first retrieved from jsonArchive.
  2. Then, the workout name of each jsonWorkout in jsonWorkoutArray is retrieved.
  3. These workout names are used to create new Workout objects contained in WorkoutManager.
  4. The exercise list, jsonExercisesInWorkout inside each jsonWorkout is retrieved.
  5. The exercise name of each jsonExercise in jsonExercisesInWorkout is used to assign the correct exercises in ExerciseManager to each Workout object.

The CascadingDeletionProcessor class

This class is a utility class that is responsible for handling cascading deletions (e.g., when an exercise assigned to an existing workout is deleted from ByteCeps by the user). It removes the required Workout/Exercise objects from the Workout/WeeklyProgramManager silently whenever a delete command is called. Its only public method, checkForCascadingDeletions(), is run after executing a parsed command.

Removing a deleted exercise from a workout

If the command entered by the user starts with exercise /delete and is executed successfully, the private method removeDeletedExerciseFromWorkouts() is run:

  1. removeDeletedExerciseFromWorkouts() iterates through every Workout in WorkoutManager.
  2. If the deleted exerciseName matches that of an exercise in the Workout, the exercise is deleted from the workout too.

Removing a deleted workout from the weekly program

If the command entered by the user starts with workout /delete and is executed successfully, the private method removeDeletedWorkoutsFromProgram() is run:

  1. A copy of all 7 Days in WeeklyProgramManager is stored as oldWorkoutsInProgram.
  2. removeDeletedWorkoutsFromProgram() iterates through every Day in oldWorkoutsInProgram.
  3. If the name of the Workout assigned to a particular Day matches that of the deleted Workout, that particular Day is deleted from newWorkoutsInProgram .
  4. A new Day with no Workout assigned to it is added to newWorkoutsInProgram in replacement of the deleted Day.

Product scope

Target user profile

BYTE-CEPS, a CLI-based all-in-one tool for setting and tracking fitness goals. Whether you’re a tech-savvy fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, BYTE-CEPS offers the simplicity and efficiency of a CLI interface to help you maintain or improve your fitness through self-managed routines.

Value proposition

ByteCeps offers a streamlined and comprehensive platform to manage exercise routines, track workout progress, and design personalized fitness programs with ease and efficiency for fitness enthusiasts and professionals.

  1. Streamlined Exercise Management: ByteCeps simplifies the organization of exercise routines by providing a user-friendly interface to add, edit, delete, list and search exercises effortlessly.
  2. Effortless Workout Planning: Create personalized workout plans by assigning exercises to specific days with intuitive CLI commands, ensuring organized and effective training sessions tailored to your needs.
  3. Flexible Program Adaptation: Seamlessly adjust workout plans and schedules as needed, with the ability to add, remove, or modify exercises on the fly, providing flexibility and adaptability to your evolving fitness journey.
  4. Comprehensive Progress Tracking: Log and monitor workout performance, including weights, sets, and reps, with detailed exercise logs and historical data, enabling you to track progress, identify trends, and stay motivated.

With ByteCeps, achieve your fitness objectives efficiently, effectively, and enjoyably, unlocking your full potential for a healthier, fitter lifestyle.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 user create an exercise entry begin tracking my exercises
v1.0 user create edit an exercise entry modify an exercise to suit my needs
v1.0 user delete an exercise entry remove unwanted exercises that I will not do
v1.0 user add an exercise to a workout plan customise my workout plan
v1.0 user edit an exercise in a workout plan modify the workout plan to suit my needs
v1.0 user delete an exercise from workout plan remove unwanted exercises from a workout plan
v1.0 user list all exercises in a workout plan see the details of my planned exercises
v1.0 user choose the workout plan for a day organise and structure my daily workout routine
v1.0 user display my workout for the day know what exercises I should be doing today
v1.0 user display my workout for the week have a weekly overview of what I should do
v2.0 user export my workout plan to Json share with other fitness enthusiasts
v2.0 user import my workout plan to Json bring my progress across devices
v2.0 user search for exercises build my workout plan faster
v2.0 user search for workout plans identify which is the suitable workout for me
v2.0 fitness enthusiast record the amount of weight lifted track my progress over time
v2.0 fitness enthusiast track the number of sets performed for each exercise session follow my workout plan effectively
v2.0 fitness professional monitor the repetitions completed for each exercise evaluate my performance
v2.0 fitness professional log my exercise data for a specific date accurately track my progress over time
v2.0 fitness professional view a list of dates on which I have logged exercise entries track my consistency and adherence to my workout routine
v2.0 fitness professional review specific exercise logs for a particular date analyze my workout details and progress on that specific day
v2.1 fitness professional log multiple sets of an exercise, including different weights and reps for each set have a comprehensive log of my exercise sessions to monitor variations in my performance and strength training progress
v2.1 fitness professional access and review historical workout data with detailed breakdowns by exercise, set, weight, and repetition analyze trends in my performance and identify areas for improvement or adjustment in my training regime
v2.1 fitness enthusiast be able to overwrite an incorrect log entry for a workout ensure my workout history is accurate and reflects what I actually performed

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. BYTE-CEPS should work on Windows, macOS and Linux where Java 11 is installed.
  2. BYTE-CEPS should be able to store data locally.
  3. BYTE-CEPS should be able to work offline.
  4. BYTE-CEPS should be easy to use.


Instructions for manual testing

Note: This section serves to provide a quick start for manual testing on BYTE-CEPS. This list is not exhaustive. Developers are expected to conduct more extensive tests.

Initial Launch

Exercise Management

  1. Adding an Exercise:
    • Test case 1:
      • Add a new exercise.
      • Command: exercise /add pushups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the exercise pushupshas been added.
    • Test case 2:
      • Add an exercise with special characters.
      • Command: exercise /add push-ups!
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the exercise name cannot contain special characters.
    • Test case 3:
      • Add a duplicate exercise.
      • Command: exercise /add pushups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the exercise already exists.
    • Test case 4:
      • Add an exercise with a case variation in name.
      • Command: exercise /add PUSHUPS
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the exercise already exists, as the exercise name is case insensitive.
  2. Deleting an Exercise:
    • Test case 1:
      • Delete an existing exercise.
      • Command: exercise /delete pushups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the exercise pushup has been deleted.
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to delete a non-existent exercise.
      • Command: exercise /delete situps
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the exercise does not exist.
    • Test case 3:
      • Delete an exercise with a case variation in name.
      • Command: exercise /delete PUSHUPS
      • Expected Outcome: Since exercise names are case insensitive, the system should successfully delete the ‘pushups’ exercise, confirming that case sensitivity is handled correctly.
  3. Listing All Exercises:
    • Test case 1:
      • List all exercises.
      • Command: exercise /list
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display all current exercises stored in the system, regardless of the order they were added.
    • Test case 2:
      • List exercises when no exercises have been added.
      • Command: exercise /list
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a message indicating that there are no exercises to display.
  4. Editing an Exercise:
    • Test case 1:
      • Edit an existing exercise name.
      • Command: exercise /edit pushups /to Decline pushups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the exercise name has been changed from pushups to Decline pushups
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to edit a non-existent exercise.
      • Command: exercise /edit crunches /to Incline crunches
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the original exercise does not exist.
    • Test case 3:
      • Edit an exercise to have a special character in the new name.
      • Command: exercise /edit Decline pushups /to Decline-pushups!
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the new name cannot contain special characters.
    • Test case 4:
      • Edit an exercise using the same existing name.
      • Command: exercise /edit Decline pushups /to Decline pushups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should notify that the new name is the same as the old name.
  5. Searching for Exercises:
    • Test case 1:
      • Search for an exercise by partial name match.
      • Command: exercise /search push
      • Expected Outcome: The system should return all exercises that partially match pushups, including pushups and Decline pushups
    • Test case 2:
      • Search for an exercise with no matching entries.
      • Command: exercise /search pullups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a message indicating no search results.
    • Test case 3:
      • Search for an exercise using a complete name.
      • Command: exercise /search Decline pushups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display only the Decline pushups exercise, ensuring that exact matches are correctly prioritized over partial matches.
    • Test case 4:
      • Search for an exercise immediately after deletion.
      • Command: exercise /search decline pushups after deleting decline pushups
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that there are no results for decline pushups, confirming that the deletion was processed correctly.

Workout Management

  1. Adding a Workout Plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • Create a new workout plan.
      • Command: workout /create Leg Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the workout plan leg day has been created.
    • Test case 2:
      • Add a new workout plan with special characters.
      • Command: exercise /add push-ups!
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message stating that the workout plan name cannot contain special characters.
    • Test case 3:
      • Add a duplicate workout plan.
      • Command: workout /create Arm-Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the workout plan already exists.
    • Test case 4:
      • Add a Workout plan with a case variation in name.
      • Command: workout /create LEG DAY
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the workout plan already exists, as the workout plan name is case insensitive.
  2. Deleting a Workout Plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • Delete an existing workout plan.
      • Command: workout /delete leg day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the workout plan leg day has been deleted.
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to delete a non-existent exercise.
      • Command: workout /delete back day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the workout plan does not exist.
    • Test case 3:
      • Delete a workout plan with a case variation in name.
      • Command: workout /delete LEG DAY
      • Expected Outcome: Since workout names are case insensitive, the system should successfully delete the ‘leg day’ workout, confirming that case sensitivity is handled correctly.
  3. Listing All Workout Plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • List all workout plan.
      • Command: workout /list
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display all workout plans stored in the system, regardless of the order they were added.
    • Test case 2:
      • List exercises when no exercises have been added.
      • Command: workout /list
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a message indicating that there are no workout plans to display.
  4. Editing a Workout Plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • Edit an existing workout plan name.
      • Command: workout /edit leg day /to back day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the workout plan name has been changed from leg day to back day
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to edit a non-existent workout plan.
      • Command: workout /edit chest day /to pull day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the original workout plan chest day does not exist.
    • Test case 3:
      • Edit a workout plan to have a special character in the new name.
      • Command: workout /edit Full Body Day /to Full Body Day-
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the new name cannot contain special characters.
    • Test case 4:
      • Edit a workout plan using the same existing name.
      • Command: workout /edit Full Body Day /to Full Body Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should notify that the new name is the same as the old name.
  5. Searching for workout plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • Search for an exercise by partial name match.
      • Command: workout /search day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should return all workout plans that partially match day, including leg day and back day
    • Test case 2:
      • Search for a workout plan with no matching entries.
      • Command: exercise /search chest
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a message indicating no search results.
    • Test case 3:
      • Search for an exercise using a complete name.
      • Command: exercise /search leg day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display only the leg day workout plan, ensuring that exact matches are correctly prioritized over partial matches.
    • Test case 4:
      • Search for an exercise immediately after deletion.
      • Command: workout /search leg day after deleting leg day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that there are no results for leg day, confirming that the deletion was processed correctly.
  6. Assigning Exercises to Workout plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • Assign an exercise to a workout plan.
      • Command: workout /assign pushups /to Push Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that pushups have been assigned to Push Day.
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to assign an exercise to a non-existent workout plan.
      • Command: workout /assign squats /to Nonexistent Plan
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that the workout plan does not exist.
    • Test case 3:
      • Attempt to assign a non-existent exercise to a workout plan.
      • Command: workout /assign Nonexistent exercise /to Push Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that the exercise does not exist.
    • Test case 4:
      • Assign an exercise to a workout plan with a case variation in name.
      • Command: workout /assign PUSHUPS /to PUSH DAY
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that pushups have been assigned to Push Day as both the workout plan & exercise name are case insensitive.
  7. Unassigning Exercises to Workout plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • Unassign an exercise from a workout plan.
      • Command: workout /unassign pushups /from Push Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that pushups have been removed from Push Day.
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to unassign an exercise from a non-existent workout plan.
      • Command: workout /unassign squats /from Nonexistent Plan
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that the workout plan does not exist.
    • Test case 3:
      • Attempt to unassign a non-existent exercise from a workout plan.
      • Command: workout /unassign Nonexistent exercise /from Push Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that the exercise does not exist.
    • Test case 4:
      • Unassign an exercise to a workout plan with a case variation in name.
      • Command: workout /unassign PUSHUPS /from PUSH DAY
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that pushups have been unassigned from Push Day as both the workout plan & exercise name are case insensitive.
  8. Viewing Exercises in a Workout Plan:
    • Test case 1:
      • List all exercises in a specific workout plan.
      • Command: workout /info Push Day
      • Expected Outcome: The system should list all exercises included in Push Day. If the workout plan is empty, the system should indicate that there are no exercises.
    • Test case 2:
      • View an empty workout plan.
      • Command: workout /info Newbie Plan (assuming no exercises have been assigned to Newbie Plan)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that there are no exercises listed in Newbie Plan.
    • Test case 3:
      • View a workout plan with a case variation in name.
      • Command: workout /info PUSH DAY
      • Expected Outcome: The system should either display the details for push day confirming case insensitivity.

Program Management

  1. Assigning Workout Plans to Days:
    • Test case 1:
      • Assign a workout plan to a specific day.
      • Command: program /assign Push Day /to Monday
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that Push Day has been assigned to Monday.
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to assign multiple workout plans to the same day.
      • Command: program /assign Leg Day /to Monday
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that a workout is already assigned to Monday, as only one workout can be assigned per day.
    • Test case 3:
      • Assign workout plans to non-standard day formats.
      • Command: program /assign Push Day /to Mon
      • Expected Outcome: The system should recognize ‘Mon’ as Monday and successfully assign the workout plan, reflecting flexibility in day input.
    • Test case 4:
      • Assign empty workout plans to a specific day
      • Command: program /assign test /to Mon
      • Expected Outcome: The system should indicate that there are no workout plan called test
  2. Viewing Today’s Workout Plans:
    • Test case 1:
      • View today’s workout plan when one is assigned
      • Command: Assume today is Monday and Push Day is assigned to Monday, then execute program /today
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display the exercises scheduled for Push Day.
    • Test case 2:
      • View today’s workout when no workout is assigned
      • Command: program /today
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a message indicating no workout is assigned for today.
  3. Viewing Weekly’s Workout Plans:
    • Test case 1:
      • View the weekly workout schedule
      • Command:program /list
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display the workout plan assigned to each day of the week, including any Rest days where no workouts are assigned.
  4. Removing Workout Plans from Days:
    • Test case 1:
      • Remove a workout plan from a specific day
      • Command:program /clear Monday
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that Monday’s workout plan has been cleared, and subsequent checks for Monday should show no assigned workout.
    • Test case 2:
      • Attempt to clear a day with no workout assigned
      • Command:program /clear Sunday (assuming no workout is assigned to Sunday)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should notify that there was no workout to clear for Sunday
    • Test case 3:
      • Remove all workout plans in a week
      • Command:program /clear
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that all workouts for that week has been cleared.

Program Logging Management

  1. Adding Exercise Logs:
    • Test case 1:
      • Log a single set of an exercise.
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight 125 /sets 1 /reps 5 (MUST create exercise & workout plan first & have a workout plan assigned for the day you are logging.)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the log entry for benchpress has been successfully created with the specified weight, sets, and reps.
    • Test case 2:
      • Log multiple sets with varying weights and reps.
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight 100 110 120 /sets 3 /reps 5 4 3
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that a workout is already assigned to Monday, as only one workout can be assigned per day.
    • Test case 3:
      • Attempt to log an exercise not created in the system.
      • Command: program /log nonexistent /weight 100 /sets 1 /reps 10
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the exercise does not exist, ensuring only valid exercises can be logged.
    • Test case 4:
      • Log an exercise for a specific past date
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight 130 120 /sets 2 /reps 8 9 /date 2024-03-25 (There must be a workout assigned to the date first)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the exercise has been logged for the specified date, showing flexibility in recording workouts on different dates
    • Test case 5:
      • Log an exercise for an invalid date
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight 130 120 /sets 2 /reps 8 9 /date 2024-2-31 (There must be a workout assigned to the date first)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the date does not exists and returns an error telling the user of the invalid date entered.
    • Test case 6:
      • Attempt to log an exercise not created in the system.
      • Command: program /log nonexistent /weight 100 /sets 1 /reps 10
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the exercise does not exist, ensuring only valid exercises can be logged.
    • Test case 7:
      • Log an exercise for a specific past date
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight 130 120 /sets 2 /reps 8 9 /date 2024-03-25 (There must be a workout assigned to the date first)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the exercise has been logged for the specified date, showing flexibility in recording workouts on different dates
    • Test case 8:
      • Log an exercise for an invalid date
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight 130 120 /sets 2 /reps 8 9 /date 2024-2-31 (There must be a workout assigned to the date first)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should confirm that the date does not exists and returns an error telling the user of the invalid date entered.
    • Test case 9:
      • Log an exercise without specifying one or more required parameters
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight 100 /sets 3 (missing reps)
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message requiring all parameters (weight, sets, reps) to be specified.
    • Test case 10:
      • Attempt to log with unrealistic or invalid values
      • Command: program /log benchpress /weight -10 /sets 3 /reps 100
      • Expected Outcome: The system should reject negative weights, ensuring realistic and valid data entry.
  2. Viewing Exercise Logs:
    • Test case 1:
      • View the dates with logged workouts
      • Command: program /history
      • Expected Outcome: The system should list all the dates for which logs have been recorded, providing an overview of active workout days.
    • Test case 2:
      • View detailed logs for a specific date.
      • Command: program /history 2024-03-27
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display all exercises logged on that date along with their weights, sets, and reps, giving detailed insights into the workout for that day.

Help Menu Access

  1. Viewing Help Messages:
    • Test case 1:
      • Incorrect Help Command Usage.
      • Command: help /exercis
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating incorrect command usage
    • Test case 2:
      • Accessing Help Menu for a Category.
      • Command: help /exercise
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a list of exercise category-related commands and prompt the user to enter a specific list number to get detailed command formats.
    • Test case 3:
      • Request Specific Command Format from Category
      • Command: help /exercise 3
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a specific command format, in this case, the format for editing an exercise’s name, as specified by exercise category list number 3.
    • Test case 4:
      • Invalid List Number for Help Command (Out of Bounds)
      • Command: help /program 100
      • Expected Outcome: The system should notify the user that the list number is invalid or out of range and prompt them to select a valid number.
    • Test case 5:
      • Invalid List Number for Help Command (Non-numerical)
      • Command: help /workout abc
      • Expected Outcome: The system should notify the user that the list number is invalid or out of range and prompt them to select a valid number.
    • Test case 6:
      • Accessing Help Without Specifying a Category
      • Command: help /
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that the user must specify a valid command.
    • Test case 7:
      • Accessing Help With Too Many Arguments i.e., too many /s
      • Command: help /exercise 1 /list
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display an error message indicating that additional (unneccesary) arguments have been provided.
    • Test case 8:
      • Accessing Help Menu Guidance Message
      • Command: help
      • Expected Outcome: The system should display a message explaining the commands for accessing each of the category-specific help menus.


  1. Exiting BYTE-CEPS:
    • Test case 1:
      • During normal execution.
      • Command: bye
      • Expected Outcome: BYTE-CEPS is exited and the files are safely saved.
    • Test case 2:
      • During normal execution.
      • Command: exit
      • Expected Outcome: BYTE-CEPS is exited and the files are safely saved.